The Ensemble

The Vocal Ensemble The Duke’s Singers was founded in September 2013 by 12 young women and men. Initially conceived as an all-male Sextet modeled after the line-up of the world-renowned King’s Singers, the ensemble named itself “The Duke’s Singers” as an homage to this great role-model. Quickly realizing however the many benefits of a mixed choir – such as the opportunity to tap into the entire spectrum of acapella music – the group made the decision to bring in six female singers.

With a repertoire encompassing several different languages, styles and historical eras – from sacred to secular, from Renaissance to contemporary, from classical to pop music – the “Duke’s” hope to appeal to all tastes!

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4 weeks ago

The Duke's Singers
Happy Holidays! 🎄⭐️The Duke's Singers wënschen Iech schéi Feierdeeg an ee glécklecht neit Joer!Um Enn vun dëser Wantersaison wëlle mir ee grousse Merci soen. Villmools Merci Iech alleguer, léif Facebook-Frënn, fir Äre Support an Ären Interessi un den Duke's.Villmools Merci awer och den Nolauschterer op eise Concerten, dass Dir Är Zäit mat eis gedeelt hutt an deelweis wäit Weeër gemaacht hutt, fir eis lauschteren ze kommen.Mir hoffen, Iech all deemnächst op engem vun eise Concerten erëmzegesinn, mee fir de Moment gi mir awer an eng kuerz Wanterpaus a mellen eis dann am neie Joer mat vollem Elan nees zeréck!Have yourselves a merry little Christmas,The Duke's Singers ... See MoreSee Less
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